50/50 Review

You know those movies that make you question your mortality? If that were an actual genre, this movie would be the poster child for the entire genre. A healthy 27-year-old, Adam (Joseph Gordon-Levitt), who won’t cross a street unless the walk sign is flashing and doesn’t even have a driver’s license because it’s the fifth leading cause of death, is diagnosed with a rare form of spinal cancer. After researching his cancer, Adam learns he has a 50% chance of living. Adam’s immature but loyal friend, Kyle (Seth Rogan), his inexperienced therapist, Katherine (Anna Kendrick), and his overbearing mother (Anjelica Huston) help Adam through his battle with cancer. When the chemotherapy doesn’t shrink his tumor, Adam has one last option in a dangerous surgery.

This movie sounds depressing, but Seth Rogan provides much-needed comic relief. I loved this movie because it wasn’t a cookie-cutter film with a predictable plot. It was hilarious at times and had me crying at others (and for about an hour afterward). Not only did this movie make me laugh and cry, it made me think. I know I’m going to die someday, but whenever I actually think about it, I usually think that day is very far away. But what if it’s not? If I were diagnosed with cancer tomorrow, would I be living my life the way I want to? Are my priorities in check? Do I care about the right things?

I think any movie that can evoke that deep of thought is worth watching. It’s a bonus that it’s funny and unique too. I would watch it again, and I would definitely recommend it to friends. A+

One thought on “50/50 Review

  1. It really was one of the better movies I’ve seen in quite a while. Why Tree of Life was nominated for Best Picture and 50/50 wasn’t is beyond me or any other intelligent being.

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